jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Me, walking across cabo polonio's beach 
Hello everybody, this time i want to talk you about about a place i vicited last summer, i'm talk about Uruguay, this is a small country in south america, it has about 3.5 million people living there, most of this people living in Montevideo , the country's capital, but i only spend one night there so i don't really know much about it, instead i spend almost every day of pass for uruguay going over all the atlantic coast, in which concentrate the most of the tourism in the country, because it has a lot of beautiful beaches full of beautiful women too. One of this beaches was especial, Barra de Valizas, it's little town whit no more than 300 people living there, but in the summer arrive many tourist and backpackers like one, that's great for party and meet new people, like i did in the camping "la Vasca" where i met a lot of nice people from different countries and cultures, i have to say that the Uruguayans are the mos friendly people i ever met.

One more thing that i loved of this place was his fascination about meat, which i totally share and think it's normal in a country where the number of cows doubles the number of people easily.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Tattooing my dad's arm
Actually I have a lot dreams and aspirations, many of which may come to seem ridiculous for some people (like when i was butcher), but certainly one of my bigest aspirations for the next few years is to establish myself as a tattoo artist. That's something that I have in mind many years ago, at least since i started to study design, and which i invested a lot of my efforts, to learn and understand how this world works, know their foundations and techniques, gain the knowledge and equipment needed to start, etc. Is this on which i have focused the last year, but in spite of my enthusiasm and my wishes for this purpose are very large, i find myself in a situation that keep me stuck working in my own room in unprofessional way in which concern to the space, a space for exclusive use for work and develop of this art.

That is my great aspiration for the coming years, and born of the need for independence and personal development, that I hope for my future does not have to depend on anyone as to work, that's the first for me and means absolute freedom.

PD: You can see some of my work on my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/JTomasPorras and ask me wherever you want ;)

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

The last book i read

Hi guys, i going to show you wich was the las book i read, this was a book that consumed me and i finish it in only tow days, the title of this book is "the good themselves" by Isaac Asimov, one of the most recognized and prolific writers of Science fiction of all times. The books talks about a not too distant future where the humanity has found an alien race how lives in a paralel universe where the laws of phsics are completely distinct, this diference permit then, create a machine wich can produce los of free energy, and the story is developed arround of the implicances that this machine bring for both universes, creating and intrincade web of scientifics and philosophical arguments.

I bougth this book in a book shop after reading some others tittles of Isaac Asimov, i like the way he write and  how  he connect an espectacular argument whit his bas scintific knowledge, i totally recomend you this book.