jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

About Robinson idea

About the Ken Robinson video, i really think has a rigth point in the way that he see the actual education sistem, since the childern start in primary school to when they left the University, they are made and packed to serve to the great proupose that the society has for their. I think that all this sistem is  really old fashion in many ways, and is  very sad too because we lost a lot of talent people telling them what they should to do and what is better for their future, ofcore this is a complete lie, and of course i fell for this lie too.

I never liked the way we were formed, in fact i never liked  go to one pleace where some people told me waht i have to do, give me instrutions whatever. I remember the art classes in school, i always like to draw an paint thigns, i really enjoyed, but i really hate that fucking class, it was so borring, and dont left me anything. And the same happened in almost every subjet in my pass for the school, i really like to learn, i need it, when i want to know something i use all my resources to find the answer, but in the school i didn't want to find anything.

But depite all this  i didn't lear XD, because i'm here in the university were i feel same as before, so when i find the way out of this sistem it will be the most happiest day of my life.

Now i want to left here a video from youtube, it´s a documentary about the HIV/AIDS fraud, and which has been the role of the great pharmaceutical companies in the develop of this sikness trhoughout history.

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