jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

blog experience

I never had to write in english before this curse, so at the first it was really dificult to me and really slow too XD, on the other hand i'm not good talking about myself, i dont have a objetive point of view of me jajaja but in spite of all i enjoyed that part of the class because the right proportions between self learning and group work, so if you ask me if i think that this a good language learning tool, i say yes.

One of my favorite post was this who talk about my dreams an aspirations, because i really have many of them, and because it is accompanied by a great pic of me and my father who i didn't see since i was 8, it's a log time to miss your dad, so we decided do a tattoo in his arm jajaja incredible moment.

My least favorite post was last, about a tv show, because i saw so much TV when i was a kid and was dificult to choose only one tv show.

I liked to read the Elizabeth's blog i like the way she write and i thik she is really nice, but of course the most atractive bolog was mine, because i have pics of  "hot models" on the sided of my blog ;)

2 comentarios:

  1. hahah...nice blog experience... I was really slow to write at first too...but now I'm a better... I think...

  2. This is terrible... -----> ;) This little face makes me imagining you talking that last part about your blog and I can't believe I find it so funny XD I'm a bit crazy maybe c:

    Regards mister Tomas ajaja :D
