jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

blog experience

I never had to write in english before this curse, so at the first it was really dificult to me and really slow too XD, on the other hand i'm not good talking about myself, i dont have a objetive point of view of me jajaja but in spite of all i enjoyed that part of the class because the right proportions between self learning and group work, so if you ask me if i think that this a good language learning tool, i say yes.

One of my favorite post was this who talk about my dreams an aspirations, because i really have many of them, and because it is accompanied by a great pic of me and my father who i didn't see since i was 8, it's a log time to miss your dad, so we decided do a tattoo in his arm jajaja incredible moment.

My least favorite post was last, about a tv show, because i saw so much TV when i was a kid and was dificult to choose only one tv show.

I liked to read the Elizabeth's blog i like the way she write and i thik she is really nice, but of course the most atractive bolog was mine, because i have pics of  "hot models" on the sided of my blog ;)

a TV show

Oh my dear friends, talk about the past is something that i really enjoy, but even more if it comes from my childhood, and how is logic and probable for many of us we spend a lot of it in front of a TV, some whit more luky than others, i mean some had cable, some not, i was a poor boy so i had to watch the public only :C (lucky bastards). Anyway the tv show that i want to talk was one of my favorites, was the guinness world records tv show, an amazing recopilation of the most spectaculars, strangest and creepiest guinness records, and was presented by Cris Collinsworth. I remember some records like the fattestman on earht, the flesh-eating bacteria orthe man with the longest nails, all this stuf stay in my maind for long time, i woanted to break many records an put my name in the
guinness world records book, but that didn't hapen :( , many years after that i got the book and  i was happy.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

About Robinson idea

About the Ken Robinson video, i really think has a rigth point in the way that he see the actual education sistem, since the childern start in primary school to when they left the University, they are made and packed to serve to the great proupose that the society has for their. I think that all this sistem is  really old fashion in many ways, and is  very sad too because we lost a lot of talent people telling them what they should to do and what is better for their future, ofcore this is a complete lie, and of course i fell for this lie too.

I never liked the way we were formed, in fact i never liked  go to one pleace where some people told me waht i have to do, give me instrutions whatever. I remember the art classes in school, i always like to draw an paint thigns, i really enjoyed, but i really hate that fucking class, it was so borring, and dont left me anything. And the same happened in almost every subjet in my pass for the school, i really like to learn, i need it, when i want to know something i use all my resources to find the answer, but in the school i didn't want to find anything.

But depite all this  i didn't lear XD, because i'm here in the university were i feel same as before, so when i find the way out of this sistem it will be the most happiest day of my life.

Now i want to left here a video from youtube, it´s a documentary about the HIV/AIDS fraud, and which has been the role of the great pharmaceutical companies in the develop of this sikness trhoughout history.

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

a Piece of Art

i really don't know what is my favorite pices of art, but for today i going to talk about one artist that i been seeing almost my entaire infancem, and for twist of fate i finished in his own memorial museum in Quito, Ecuador, the name of the artist is Oswaldo Guayasamín, one of the most recognized sudamerican painters. His work mainly recounts the tragedies and sorrows of the native peoples of South America, but i didn't know until i visited his museum. All what i knew about Guayasamín was  the creepe way of his work, based in only one referece, this paint that my mom had put on the living room, so you can imagine how was the fear of see that face in a dark living room when i was a child. The paint is called "Lagrimas de sange" and it was a tribute to the Salvador Allende's dead.

I really hated this piece when i was a boy, but when i grew up its began to like me, and now  i love the expression of the eyes an hands, something repited in  Guayasamín work.

This was me in the Guayasamín museum, next to another of his work, but this one is dedicated to Pinochet, and sow him like a funy monster cover on blood.

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

a photograph

This picture was taken at least a year ago, it's simple and very ilustrative, it's just a cuple of burgers thas my bro and i mede. The purpose was to train myself for an competitive eating challenge, to be more specific, the challenge of "Tío Manolo", a fast food restoran in santiago, the challenge consisted in eat a 2.3 Kg burger in 25 minutes at most, if you can do that you get your money back and they let you to make your own burger for the menu, but finally i didn't do the challenge beacause i had a problem whit the restaurant manager, who was an ass hole. but in spite of this percance i enjoyed the training process, in wich i learned soo much about the competitive eating stuff.

Now abot the photograph, as i had said, it was for trainig, as you could see this beauty consisted in 8 pieces of meat with cheese between them, tomatoes, onions and mash avocado too, each one weighed 1,3 kg and what i needed in that moment was improve my speed at eating, so i ate this burger as fast as i could, i scored a time of 6:30 minutes to finish, so i was very proud of my performace and we had a lot of fun doing that.

PD: it is a late post, but i didn't want to miss the opportunity to show this

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

a Concert

Hi everyone, i want to talk about one concert tath was significant for me, because i was there whit my two brothers, the band that we saw was Scorpions, a german hard rock band of 80', they came to chile tow years ago and my uncle had been working in the promotion of this concert making a tv spot, so the producer conpany gave tu him some tickets for the show, that was the same day of the show, so none of us had been planed go to this concert that night, but my uncle Tommy knew that this band really like us, so he called to us and ofcourse we accepted immediately, then the three started to run, because it was late when my uncle called us, but we got success and were in the Movistar Arena at the right time. The concert was great, Klaus Meine had the exactly same voice as in the fucking album, even better, taking into account that he is an old man right now. So we had a good time screaming an singing every song that we knew and the others too, we rally enjoyed that moment. 
I want to left you one video from a song, some of the best of the Scorpions.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Me, walking across cabo polonio's beach 
Hello everybody, this time i want to talk you about about a place i vicited last summer, i'm talk about Uruguay, this is a small country in south america, it has about 3.5 million people living there, most of this people living in Montevideo , the country's capital, but i only spend one night there so i don't really know much about it, instead i spend almost every day of pass for uruguay going over all the atlantic coast, in which concentrate the most of the tourism in the country, because it has a lot of beautiful beaches full of beautiful women too. One of this beaches was especial, Barra de Valizas, it's little town whit no more than 300 people living there, but in the summer arrive many tourist and backpackers like one, that's great for party and meet new people, like i did in the camping "la Vasca" where i met a lot of nice people from different countries and cultures, i have to say that the Uruguayans are the mos friendly people i ever met.

One more thing that i loved of this place was his fascination about meat, which i totally share and think it's normal in a country where the number of cows doubles the number of people easily.